Abe dressed up as an airline pilot. When people would ask what he was going to be for halloween, he'd say, "Pilot" - but since he doesn't pronounce "L's" very well, they thought he was saying "pirate". So he started telling people he was going to be an "airplane airlines pilot." That seemed to do the trick. For the costume parade at school, he wanted to be the end of his class line and would look first to one side, then the other and wave. Just like the POTUS.
I dressed up as 'Melanie Poppins' for the church's trunk or treat event. I handed out the candy from my bottomless carpet bag. It was a lot of fun. Jared's jack-o-latern won first prize - he carved a pumpkin that was throwing up it's insides and we labeled it, "Too much Halloween candy".
great picture, did a professional take it?
How fun!!!! Abe is growing up too fast.
I am so glad that you were Melanie Poppins! I have thought of you as Mary Poppins for as long as I can remember. You can sing, and just seem so perfect, just like Mary. She is a favorite in our house, the kids love that movie!
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