This is an example of how to get Abe to do what you want...
Each afternoon I like to sit in my recliner next to the fireplace and read awhile. Abe thinks that's a great time to sit on my lap, and it is... for awhile. Until he gets bored and wiggley. So when I'm ready for him to do something else, I'll say, “I’m so glad you’re here on my lap! I want you to stay here a long time and never go (then I’ll insert something like).. play with your aircraft carrier…” And he’ll get this impish grin on his face, “Noooooo – I HAVE to go play with my aircraft carrier!” I’ll say, “But I NEED you to sit on my lap for a LONG time!” “NOOOO! Pleeeeeeeease! I NEED to go play with my aircraft carrier!” Then I’ll relent and reluctantly let him go, but tell him he needs to hurry back to sit on my lap again. Then off he goes, obviously relieved to have escaped my lap – which of course was my intention in the first place.